Friday, September 26, 2008

This has definitely been a "Calgon" kind of day! My 27 students seemed to have the weekend running through their veins - absolutely wild! Lile and I are getting ready to go to the Apple Festival in Liberty this afternoon. It should be a nice afternoon and who knows - maybe I'll even get a funnel cake out of the deal! We're also planning to go to Ham Days tomorrow so I hope to see some of the Lebanon crew. I'm looking forward to a nice Fall-ish weekend and now have a seasonal picture to add for a little festive spirit! I need to get Hershal (my scarecrow) put up this weekend also - he's been a tradition for the past 3 years and Halloween just couldn't come without him! Speaking of Halloween, can you believe that the stores are already bypassing Halloween and Thanksgiving in order to fill the shelves with Christmas stuff?! I know that's the way it is every year but it still always shocks me. I better go - Lile will be ready to leave and I'll still be sitting here in my work duds and sock feat.

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